Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Winking Press Doesn’t Do Their Best

Hello, It has been another good day down on the farm, with all hands working together. It is amazing how much you can accomplish working together. Each pulls his fair share, no slouches here. When everyone is doing his job the system works great, but when one only does half his work in a lazy haphazard way, then the system will fail.

I believe that are political system is failing miserably. Again I bring to the attention of the reader that the media in the form of the press is failing us badly. We can not exist if the press only does half its job. When our country was founded they gave the press an elite position in the scheme of things, first amendment status. At present they have squandered their privilege and sold their soul to the highest bidder. There is shame upon them.

When one presidential candidate has something to say, report it. When the other one has something to say, report it. When any candidate has something to say, report that also. The press must keep us the people informed as to what is happening in the realm of politics.

When the press has picked there own candidate and swoons over him we the people have a serious problem. It is not in the written Constitution that the press should pick our next president, that job belongs to the people.

There is a problem brewing in this country and that problem is arrogance. When people lose their respect for others our society turns into a jungle, where the strong survive. And hope fades away like dreams that don’t come true.

The vast majority of the people in this country still care and have not succumbed to arrogance yet. But the press is a different matter. A good example is the New York Times, who published an op-ed by Barack Hussein Obama. Then turned around and would not publish a response by John McCain. I believe that is called arrogance folks.

We may need to turn to alternative news sources for our education on political matters. There are a lot of places to go. My favorite is; they are always up to date and usually ahead of the main stream media in news worthy material.

We need to hold the press accountable for their lack of neutrality by not supporting their effort. Money talks and when they don’t get their share of it, maybe they will start doing their job like our founding fathers intended that they should. They must hold to the truth that America comes first.

May God bless America.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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