Monday, July 21, 2008

American Sovereignty Unique and Irreplaceable

Hello, I have a great love for this wonderful country we live in. But there lurks an enemy within.

Our survival as an independent nations demands we snatch our sovereignty away from the jaws of globalism and put it back on the pedestal where it belongs and again to adorn it with Christian virtue and moral righteousness. Putting the right perspective and value on our God given freedoms and liberties. When we start taking for granted our sovereignty, that’s when we can easily let it slip through our fingers. Our founding fathers new how precious this was and were willing to cradle it in their arms even unto death. Should we take such a heritage and privilege so lightly? They, our founding fathers, could perceive deeply into the depths of freedom and understand its virtue and beauty. Because, they had experienced living without it and being unmercifully enslaved by totalitarianism. America’s sovereignty and liberty are intertwined like no other country on this earth or has ever been on this earth. Take away one and the other crumbles to nonexistence. They are joined together by law and spirit of unanimous consent. They, our founding fathers, coveted together by a sworn statement of brotherhood and an unselfish pledge to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. These were not idle words that would pass in the night season. But they were words that bound them together and bound a future posterity to its precepts and depths of understanding of one nation, one people and one God over all.

Our sovereignty is what keeps us unique. If those that would have us bound to a world government understood our beginning, they would see the folly of their desires. They would turn away from what would be most certainly our demise. We can not stand if we are joined at the hip with other nations with their different cultures, people and languages. We will be unable to do what we were called to do.

America was set apart at her beginning and must be kept apart to exist. To join other countries for mutual benefits but still remaining separate.

The uniqueness of America is also found in her ability to absorb all legal incoming immigrants and bind them together and produce one homogeneous people called Americans. One language, one people, united with the singleness of mind to be the best we can be under God.

They, our founding fathers, were called to be one nation under God, and this call has never been revoked. This call set in motion a chain of events that would lead to the most magnificent and Godly constitution ever. It also set in motion an earthly arm of God that would intercede for the downtrodden and oppressed. It would eradicate the ungodly tyrant and murderous dictator. This arm only functions when we are obedient and a virtuous people.

When we turn our backs on this Godly call, we become an indistinguishable blur and mesh with the ungodly mass. Many times we have headed in that general direction, but God has called us back through National revivals. Of which there has been many in the past. Will He do it again, or have we crossed the line to far this time.

May God bless America!

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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