Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Whose Side Is The Press On Anyway

Hello, it has been a good day with much accomplished. We had a beautiful rain this afternoon, a slow steady rain. The corn and clover perked up a bit, thankful for the drink. It is wonderful to see things happen naturally. Which brings me to the topic for tonight.

Now I am not one to throw gas on a fire, BUT. I have been watching this presidential campaign and it seems more like a circus has come to town. Everyone is marching in the parade like a bunch of mesmerized puppets. I am talking about the American press. They who are suppose to a neutral entity have gone hog wild about this Barack Obama. Now, I believe that we need to know all about our presidential candidates, the good, the bad and the ugly. But when the press seems to be absorbed in one candidate, they leave their job only half done. And we the people do not have all the information we need to make an intelligent decision.

The freedom of the press is just under the freedom of religion. That ranked up there pretty well to the top. Our founding fathers put it there for a reason. A people are only as free as the press is. They put this freedom in an exalted position for a purpose. That purpose was and is to keep an eye on our government. To let us know when anyone in the government is trying to do something contrary to our constitution. The press is our first line of defence to protect us from a corrupt government. The second amendment makes sure that a corrupt government knows it's boundaries. A free press and the right to bear arms has keep any would be dictator well away from this great country.

But if the press is running around reciting a campaign slogan and yelling take my picture with him, she's a one sided affair and we the people are left holding the grap end of the stick. We need to make sure we let the press know that their shenanigans will not be tolerated. Our job as Americans is to be well informed about our presidential candidates so we can make a good decision in November. If the press wont do it, then we still must know, even if it is left to us. We can learn a lot of what we need to know on the Internet and help make that decision. But the press must be held accountable and made to adjust there way of covering the news.

It does not matter which horse you like in this race. We must agree that the press must absolutely stay neutral. This will always benefit the country and help to keep us free. I believe that the press has really let us down and allowed some of our freedoms to erode away by stealth and ignorance. They, the press should be leading the charge to get them back. Lets hold them accountable and tell them to get their heads screwed on straight and be about the business of truth and rightness To help us, not hurt us.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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