Sunday, July 27, 2008

We Are A Family

Hello, it has been one of those great days of rest and family. I think about the history of this wonderful country we live in with the heritage that we have. From the Pilgrims and Jamestown solidly built around a strong faith in God and a strong family unit. This family unit is what builds the character that has set the pattern for our national unity.

You would not know it now but at one time America was like one big family unit. We stood together no matter what we faced, because we had right on our side. We always for the most part did the right thing when called upon. Once we, as a nation decide on what course to take, we were unstoppable.

But times have changed and the attack on the family unit has been tremendous. We see the division of family as we witness the division of society itself. Those who have a lust for power will do anything to the family unit to achieve their goal. We see it in class division pushed by those who say they stand solidly behind each side.

We have seen it in racial statements that always move us further apart. Statements that have the impact that never lets you forget that our races are different. They say things like, just because I’m black or just because I’m white or just because I’m whatever. These statements keep refreshing our thoughts till we become so tired of hearing it we turn it off. Then we are open to make mistakes in our daily lives out of shear resentment.

Would not it be better if we just ceased talking about race and started to talk about accomplishments made by our fellow Americans. Just proclaim the wonders of working together. In time we would become color blind. One nation, one people, one cause with an end of racism with all its harmful and dividing attributes, that if left unchecked will move us to a point where harm to each other can happen. God forbid that a time like that would ever happen here.

Those who are playing with fire have no idea how volatile of a situation they are pushing toward. We need all Americans pulling together from within the family unit. Those who do not have a full family unit need our help, so they can experience what we are blessed to experience. Here we need to look upon each as an Americans, not as something different. When all is said and done we exist through the power of the Lord and the strength of each other.

We are a family, may God bless each and every American.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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