Friday, July 11, 2008

The Globe Trotting Five Of The Supreme Court, Plus Congress

Hello, the head line the other day from reads as follows;

Supreme Court rejects death penalty for raping children Majority in 5-4 vote says it violates ban on cruel and unusual punishment!

"The death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child," Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his majority opinion. His four liberal colleagues joined him, while the four more conservative justices dissented.

Justice Samuel Alito in his dissent, "The harm that is caused to the victims and to society at large by the worst child rapists is grave," Alito wrote. "It is the judgment of the Louisiana lawmakers and those in an increasing number of other states that these harms justify the death penalty."

There is a saying that goes, “evil will wax worse and worse as time goes on”, and it has. I say, arrogance has seen no height that it can not scale, nor no life it finds sacred, except the evil that waxes worse and worse.

There seems to a trend by our globe trotting five to lift the rights of the criminal and illegal individuals. While they lower the right of law abiding US citizens. They, the globe trotting five, have elevated their position to one of exalted absolutism. Once a person or persons reaches a state of life where they feel above and beyond any other individual human, the next logical step up is into the realm of the godly. They may well find at that point there just might be someone there before them and He may not be open to stepping aside for five would be apprentices.

It is the people that should and must insert their will and control into this ascending covey of would be immortals. I truly appreciate the words of President Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln said; “I do not forget the position assumed by some that constitutional questions are to be decided by the Supreme Court....At the same time, the candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the Government upon vital questions affecting the whole people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made...the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their Government into the hands of the eminent tribunal....”

This is a lesson for us as a people on how important it is to see proper individuals are appointed to this position. It is a life long appointment and should not be taken lightly. The ramifications of a bad appointee can be devastating. The ramifications of five bad appointees can be a freedom and liberty disconnect. When the Supreme Court moves from serving to ruling then we go from ruling to serving. In the bible they call that a doulos, which is Greek for a bond servant.

Friend, we need to study our history especially the history of the beginning of our government to understand the position that each branch of government has and their boundaries. And we need to exert pressure on congress to rein in the court and to make sure all future appointees fit into the guide lines of the Constitution of the United States of America. We should not let this slide by.

Along with an out of control judiciary, we also have a federal congress that has blatantly put its self above the will of the people. Not only that, but they seem to think they are above the control of the people. They seem to be trying to undermine our great country. Everything they do seems to be in the interest of other countries or in the interest of themselves. But, we the people still posses the ultimate power if we decide to use it. It is simply called a ballot. With that said, our thoughts should be to throw out everyone of these bums that will not knuckle under to the will of the people. I have said it before, when the American people unite in a singular endeavor, they are invincible and will not be denied. Lets join our hearts to this common cause and see a great victory for America and freedom. Lets regain control of congress.

That’s all for now.

Sleep save, sleep sound my friend.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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