Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Can The Main Stream Media Spell - Totalitarianism

Hello, it has been a warm day down on the farm. We had a storm last night that would have been better on the fourth of July. We had hard rain, lightning and thunder, loud thunder. It was a great storm and one that most farmers like for the water and the nitrogen it produces. Nature doing her thing with God at the controls.

Speaking of storms and the brewing of them. We have a storm brewing in this great land of ours. It has to do with the MAIN STREAM MEDIA. Most just refer to it as msm.

So what has the msm been up to lately. How about its one sided coverage of this presidential election. Now I can't bring my self to vote for either of the two main candidates. but, the news coverage has been shameful to say the least. its one sided ness towards Barack Hussein Obama is disturbing and frightening to any freedom loving American. I read where the press actually applauded one of his speeches. This is wrong and very, very dangerous.

The msm is moving towards totalitarianism, if you have no idea what that is, check out the following.


Control of Mass Communications: the press spoon feeding what they want us to hear!

By virtue of the monopoly of mass communications the ruling party and the government are in possession of all channels through which people receive information, guidance, and direction. All newspaper, magazine, and book publishing, as well as radio and television broadcasting, theater productions, and motion pictures, is centrally controlled and directed. All writers, speakers, actors, composers, and poets are enrolled in party-controlled organizations, and they are licensed by the government. Usually they are required to be members of the party. The party line, that is, the party's interpretation of policy, is imposed on all mass media through censorship.

The Secret Police: didn't I hear one candidate say he would start a civilian security force!

The secret-police apparatus employs the theories and techniques of scientific crime detection and modern psychology. It terrorizes the population in ways radically different from and much crueler than those of the police systems of earlier autocracies. The totalitarian secret police employs institutions and devices such as the concentration camp, predetermined trials, and public confessions. One of the dangers inherent in the totalitarian dictatorship is the possibility that the secret police might seize control of the party itself.

Well now, our founding fathers fought and died to rid this country of Totalitarianism and dictatorial kings. To assure that this would not happen again they gave us a Constitution and its Bill of Rights. The first Amendment puts the press in a position of responsibility for our freedom from these threats to our way of life. But they, our founding fathers, would not believe what our press has turned into. They have become the very thing they were supposed to guard against and warn us of. They truly are undermining the very foundation that is holding them up. And most of the press, probably would not recognize the fact that they have become the very problem that they were to guard against for us.

It is time to stand tall and be counted. We must not be afraid to tell the msm exactly what we think of their antics. It does not matter which candidate you are for. This is wrong and the next time it could be your candidate that is getting the shaft. There are other subjects that they are doing the same thing. All I ask of the msm is to tell the truth, all the truth, nothing but the truth, and the truth will set you free.
May God bless this wonderful land we live in.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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