Monday, July 7, 2008

A Great Fourth, A Great Country, A Great Hope For The Future

Hello, the 4th of July was a great time with family and friends. We always have a fire to roast hot dogs and marsh mellows. My wife makes her wonderful potato salad and baked beans. Some one always makes a desert in a flat cake pan that looks like the American flag. It is a great time and a meaningful one. We always have prayer before we eat and we pray for our country and our soldiers. We always pray for the families of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

It is said that freedom is not free, it cost the precious blood of our patriots. We need to remember the sacrifices and know that we are free because of those who cared enough to be put in harms way.

Our freedom should not be taken lightly, especially by our government officials. They to often our willing to sacrifice our freedoms for their increase of power. If our Founding Fathers were to come back and see what we have allowed to happen to our great country, they would hang their head in shame that they are related to a bunch of weak kneed people who allow them selves to be lead around willy nilly with no protest that would rise above a whisper.

We need to shout from the house tops that we will not tolerate any more abuse of our freedoms and definitely any more abuse and misuse of our Constitution. There is always hope for the future and for the next generation that is coming along. We have a blessing coming from those that were home schooled. These could well be the catalyst that moves us into a national revival and another great awakening. Wouldn't that be exciting to be a part of something so great and grand. Remember it takes kindling to set old logs on fire.

Sleep safe, sleep sound my fellow American.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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