Wednesday, September 10, 2008

When A Pig Is A Pig And Lipstick Is Lipstick

Hello, what a time we are having in this presidential race now. Open mouth and insert foot, seems to be the rule of the day. The remark from presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama, "You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."Now I really don't believe he meant that for Governor Sarah Palin. But, when the crowd started clapping and standing in approval of what he said he should of clarifies his remark. Also, he should never, never use the word lipstick again. That word is an open door for disaster whether you want it to be or not.

There is a danger when you think that every word that comes out of your mouth is the greatest thing that has ever been spoken by any mortal on earth. This arrogance can and will produce the kind of effect that has hit the Obama campaign. When your are humble you have a tendency to think before you speak, that can be a great comfort and eliminator of pain and embarrassment.

Barack Hussein Obama can't understand why the press is so tough on him. The answer is, they are not, they are doing their job, finally, and reporting the news and not trying to make the news. When the press is doing their job, both sides should be complaining of unfairness. This tells us the press is getting it right with middle of the road reporting.

The truth has to be the front runner in all reporting. Then and only then do we, the people, have a fair chance to vote with intelligence and integrity. It is are duty to be informed as best as we can with what we have available to us. The press needs to continue to step up to the plate.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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