Sunday, September 28, 2008

Do I Dare Say What I Think?

I am always thankful that I have the privilege to live in America. And to be free with the ability to chose my own path and make decisions for me and my family. Our freedom is a very fragile thing and we need to be on guard all the time for something or someone that would erode it away.

Barack Hussein Obama seems to be doing just that. I have read a report where certain officials and law enforcement agents who support Barack Hussein Obama, from Missouri are operating a "Truth Squad" that is looking for campaign ads that appeared to be false or misleading, Gov. Matt Blunt today likened the intimidation to "police state tactics."

The Obama campaign also sent "threatening" letters to several news agencies in Pennsylvania and Ohio demanding they stop airing ads exposing Obama's gun stance, according to the National Rifle Association.

In a speech given on July 2nd, Barack Hussein Obama said that when he becomes president he would start a, "Civilian Security Force", with the same power has the military. You can find the video of the speech and hear it for yourself, but the text has been removed from the transcript of the speech. It seems that to many people became alarmed by such statements.

These items seem to tell us that our freedoms could rest in the hands of someone who does not know or care about them. If he is willing to abuse our freedom of speech just to get elected, what might happen is he is elected and has the power remove them permanently? There is something very frightening about all this. It is like I am having a very bad dream, but this time I might wake up to a "POLICE STATE".

The Old Farmer

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