Monday, September 15, 2008


Hello, it is a sad day with the financial world being turned upside down. Lehman Brothers bankruptcy has started something that could get worse and worse. Where all this will end, who knows?

There is one thing that stands out from this mess. It is simply GREED. GREED can and does completely warp the mind so that it can not think clearly and with any humanity. Those who are responsible for this are in a situation that when they come back to their right mind, if they ever do, will see the disaster they have brought on their fellow man. And when they become human again they will wonder how they could of done such a thing.
GREED, is a very powerful force, one that can rule and dominate. Just look at the makers and shakers that brought this on. GREED creates arrogance and arrogance left unchecked becomes murderous.

I hope this time that the little guy is not left holding the bag. It seems that us common folk are the ones that pay tab for the reckless behavior of the self proclaiming elite. May God help us.

The Old Farmer

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