Friday, September 5, 2008

The Tale of Two Kings

Hello, well now the Democrat and Republican conventions are finally over and life will never be the same. It would seem that the air is still full of B/S though improving slightly over time. My opinion is the first did most of the polluting and the last gave a breath of fresh air to lift our spirits. But there will be renewed injection of bile to go around, I am sure.

But what do we have now to try to decipher? Maybe we should call it The Tale of Two Kings. Both in search of control of the kingdom.

Our first king is an old man that has been around the kingdom as a knight for a long time. He has seen battle and blood and has won his spot in the kingdom's Hall of the Brave Warriors. He has put down his sword and lance and picked up the pen and scrolls of the kingdom's laws. For years our aged warrior has fought a tough fight in what his heart has told him to do. Not all of us have agreed with the old warrior and have made it known. He has changed slightly over the years and has become more in line with some of the people's beliefs. He seems to be willing to change more and become more in tune with the realm and its people. Our aged warrior senses danger from other kingdoms and is sounding the warning to all that will listen. His warriors experience allows him to know what possibly could lay ahead and prepare the kingdom for it. His senses are still keen and very much aware of danger. Our old warrior has selected his second in command, a fair lass with the heart of a lion. She illuminates the old warrior code of a steel will and a toughness that will not be denied. She is willing to stand in the gap to turn back the tide of evil. Together they would exalt the kingdom and secure the safety of its people. their hearts desire is to serve the people.

Our second king comes from a bit of a mysterious back ground. He does not seem to have a cut and dried beginning. Many in the kingdom have tried to find out about our would be king and have failed. He does not make it clear about his beginning and his service to the kingdom. He has not been bloodied in battle for the kingdom and has no knowledge of what it takes to keep a kingdom free. He is young and full of new ideas that are not so much new for they have been tried before and failed. But he feels that his ideas will work with some adapting to our needs. A lot of people in the kingdom seem to be in a trance when he talks and forget that substance is a must. There are some who are trying to make this king a god of the realm with godly powers. This too has been tried before and has lead to all out war. He has selected for his second in command a white haired plagiarist to sound the alarm that the sky is falling. The plagiarist will quite readily tell you that he knows more than you and in his infinite wisdom will enlighten you with his great intelligence. He feels his grasp of the English language is second to none and he, the exalted one, will break down the words into small syllables so we can understand what the plagiarist is trying to tell us. This plagiarist and his king feel it is their right to control the kingdom even with out the experience that is needed. They do not have the awareness of the danger that lurks without.

Well these two kings will go head to head and the people will decide the out come. And may the God of light
illuminate our minds that we will chose wisely.
God bless America!

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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