Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Moronic Arrogant Twiddle

Hello, it has been a tough time trying to pick a horse in the presidential race, But it has gotten a lot easier now that McCain has picked his VP. I really like this Governor Sarah Palin and what she stands for.

She must be pretty good and just what the doctor ordered. Because the mainstream media (MSM) is trying their best to trash her and her family. All I have been hearing is about her daughter and the out of wedlock baby. Even though they are going to do the right thing and keep the baby and her and the babies father are going to wed. They, MSM even have insinuated that the Governor's downs syndrome baby was her daughter's and she is claiming it.

New phrase, Moronic Arrogant Twiddle, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the liberal Democrat's main stream media in full attack mode.

They, the MSM has seemed to have forgotten Senator Biden's son's escapades and activities,but he is a liberal democrat. I always forget the minor details. Oh well, America is getting very tired of this business as usual in the MSM. And they eventually will have their say. It will come in the form of viewerless broadcasts from our would be I know better than you who should be President media.

Here is a very simple remedy for the upcoming collapse of the MSM. Just simply report the truth. That is the truth that is opposite of a lie. Not the truth as you, the MSM see it. If you want to survive you had better have a revival of the press in a historical proportion.

Moronic Arrogant Twiddle that oozes, loses.

All is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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