Friday, September 26, 2008

A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned!

Well, this is another fine mess we find ourselves in, thank you very much. We have a major, I mean major financial problem just waiting to drag all of our financial institutions down the old pop chute. But where did this all start?

Back in the nighties under the Clinton administration they decided that all minorities should be able to own a home. They also thought that those in low income bracket should also have a shot at home ownership. This is a good thought and one worthy of looking into. But, when you lower the standards to get a mortgage you are inviting a disaster.

Now this is exactly what they did. And there was all kind of sweetheart deals for politicians and high muckity mucks.

There were people trying to sound the alarm about this very dangerous practise, but no one was listening. It would seem that the Demarcates were courting more minorities to add to their voting block for the 2000 election, Gore was suppose to be a shoe in.

In 2005 a bill was sponsored by Senator McCain and others to regulate Fanny and Freddy. But the Demarcates would not let the bill out of committee. At that time if they would have moved on this issue they could have stopped this melt down before it occurred. But there was to much money being handed out in special mortgages and as always, there is campaign money to be had.

As this thing hit wall street and the banking companies, there seems to be a total disaster ready to happen. So the bail out, which at first was going to be business as usual. Which would mean that the top executives would walk away with millions. Thank the people for their instant unanimous scream of not this time. As I write they are still trying to hammer out a bail out bill.

For all of you liberal and socialist thinking people. Take a good look at what can happen when you experiment with socialism. Because that is exactly what happened back during the Clinton administration. A socialist experiment that almost cost this nation more that it could stand. They could of plunged this country into a severe depression with all the trimmings. Such as poverty of the likes that has not been seen for centuries. Also lives, people die when all hell is unleashed.

I say this up front, I have had a belly full of people like this Reid, Dodd, Pelosi, and the rest of those who lie to further their candidate and them selves. There is no excuse for it. They need to be driven from Washington DC by the ballot box, and soon.

The Democrats are trying to make Obama look like a great leader, and McCain look like a dunce. But it is the other way around and the good people of this great land know who was there to do a job and who was there for show because of his lack of experience.

The Old Farmer

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