Thursday, September 4, 2008

Will Sarah Palin Be God's Tool?

Hello, last night was the speech of Governor Sarah Palin. She did the job and then some. I was very impressed with her and what she has accomplished in her time in politics. She is as they say a new star in the political arena.

Now to be upfront, I have some trouble with women in politics. But I truly believe that when good men are not ready to serve, God will raise up women to fill the need at the time. I believe He has raised up a tremendous tool in which He can work. I believe that we will see great things happen with Sarah Palin.

The liberals are in full attack mode against this nominee for the Republican vice president. That should tell us something of the stature of Sarah Palin. When the left howls we are on the right track, full steam ahead.

There is a truth that must be stated at this time. It is this, if our country is to survive it must reclaim it's righteousness. We must do the right thing without weighing the political chips first. When we start doing the right thing each time then it will become a habit and no thinking is required.

I believe that some people have the natural ability to do the right thing first with out thinking and one of these people is Sarah Palin. I truly hope it rubs off on Senator McCain and he also does the right thing with out having to think to long about it.

This McCain/Palin ticket can be a real blessing to this country, if McCain is willing to learn from his running mate. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Only time will tell what the outcome will be.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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