Monday, September 8, 2008

"The love of money is the root of all evil"

Hello, It seems that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are being taken over by the Fed's. Our economy is slipping just a tad. We do not seem to have much confidence in it at this time. Why?

A big portion of a booming economy comes from people feeling good about it and them selves. And it just churns right along no problems. But if for some reason you would like to see the economy go into a slump, all you need is a willing mainstream media and some doom and gloom politicians to scream the sky is falling and presto, you have an almost recession.

There has been one party in particular that has been screaming of a recession even though we are not in one. And that screaming has put fear into the hearts of the people. So the economy starts to slide.

Some people will do anything for power and money. They do not seem to have a working conscious or any compassion to go along with it. Greed is a terrible thing and very dangerous.

The bible tells us that, "The love of money is the root of all evil". As usual the bible is right. People who are in love with money can never get enough of it. Just ask someone who is in love with it how much they want till they are satisfied. If you see them in deep thought, don't wait around for an answer, it will not be pleasant.

Friend, love your neighbor as yourself and life will start getting better, guaranteed.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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