Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Tale Of Two Standards.

Yesterday Sarah Palin's private e-mail account was hacked into and her personal information accessed. The mainstream media made mention of the happening, while the McCain camp cried foul. Now I would like for you to imagine what the response would of been had this happened to Barack Hussein Obama.

It would seem that the mainstream media has one standard for the Republicans and another standard for the Demarcates. The other day on the show "The View" they had Senator John McCain on and boy did he get hammered. Barbra Walters would not even look at him when she was asking questions. But several days before when Barack Hussein Obama was on you would of thought they had found their true love.

It has gotten so bad that the MSM doesn't even try to hide the fact they are bias and they support Barack Hussein Obama.

The only option for We The People is to turn off the MSM and let their financial woes drag them to the wood shed to get what they deserve.

The Old Farmer

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