Monday, June 2, 2008

Neighboring, The Farmers Way of Life

A good neighbor is like sunshine and rain drops, they are essential for a happy life.

I remember back when I was growing up on the farm. Life was a lot different than it is now. One thing I remember is how much importance we put on neighbors. The spirit of neighboring back and forth seemed to be the anchor of the community. It seemed like we did every thing together, sharing the work, meals, fun time, church time, the good, bad, and ugly. If you got hurt and your work wasn't done, the neighbors would show up and get it done. They were like an extended family that cared very deeply for each other but couldn't say it. They always showed how mush they cared by deeds done.

I read a story a good many years ago that has stayed with me. It was an interview done by a couple of teens asking questions to a very elderly widow lady. She had moved away from her home that she lived in most of her life and was living in an apartment. The teens asked her many questions, but what stuck with me was when they asked her what her neighbors were like. She said she had wonderful neighbors. If she needed help or anything, all she had to do was just ask. Then they asked her how neighbors today compared to neighbors in the old days. She said in the old days you didn't have to ask.

You didn't have to ask. That sums up what neighbors were all about. You didn't need to worry about disasters when you were blessed with good neighbors.

Today the main theme is you don't trust any one, especially your neighbors. City folk bar and lock them selves in so tight that if a fire breaks out they have trouble getting out them selves. There seems to be a run on security systems and any thing with the word guard in it. We seem to have become paranoid and distrusting of most everyone. All worried about what's over on the other side of the fence. And to a point I guess these fears are well founded. But and that's a big but, good neighbors can and would be ready to help and protect each other if we could trust and enjoy warm relationships with one and another again. The bad guys can't stand up to good neighbors when they stand arm in arm. There is an old saying that goes, "together we stand, divided we fall".

It would be great to turn back the clock and have neighborhoods like the old days, maybe they will happen, and maybe they are. Just maybe we need each other a lot more that we have ever realized. Just maybe our survival may well depend on being a good neighbor and friend.

All is well down on the farm. Old Farmer

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