Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Who Has Dominion Over America, We The People, Or the Environmentalists

Hello, the debate is on full force, should we drill or should we not drill? First there is no argument that we have plenty of oil in the ground waiting for us. And I for one wish it was in tankers heading for some brand new refineries. But, that is not the case. Instead we now have to get a co-signer to fill our cars up with gas, just peachy. What in the world brought us to this predicament anyway? Congress had to know this was coming or did they? Just maybe they were so busy playing politics that they missed the boat. I think it is very possible that some of our politicians had a great desire for power and money to the detriment of the people. We have not had a new refinery built in this country for over thirty years, that’s wrong.

We must hold our elected officials to task in this matter. They must answer for their lack of insight and, or their thirst for power and money. It would seem that we have a certain few who willingly dance to the tune of the environmentalists to the abandonment of the people.

These environmentalists would have us without the combustible engine; I believe that was in Al Gore’s book. They are so taken up with the idea that we are going to totally destroy this country that they would see us become a second rate nation. They would have us like a bunch twinkly toe fairies tra-la-laing through a pristine spotless environment with out a care in the world. Finally reaching the utopia that was promised. But our strength as a nation would seep away till we would become vulnerable and week and wide open for some muscled up two by twice dictator to step in and have it all. We would wake up and open our eyes to drilling and mining all over this land and watch our land devastated by people that don’t care.

I believe that God gave man dominion over the land and, yes, the animals too. Now that does not mean we are to abuse, misuse, mistreat, or tear into the land with reckless abandon. But we should and must extract what we need to survive. We should take care and do it right for our children’s sake and all of our posterity yet to come. This can be done and should be.

The argument for thirty plus years has been, you will ruin the environment and we will all die. I would suggest that if they would have been allowed to drill from the get go we would be just fine environmentally and supplied with enough oil. My reason is, the environmentalists would have been breathing down the neck of the oil drillers, and if one little drop would of ended up where it shouldn't be, there would have been an explosion of I told you so’s and screams of we are all going to die or something like that. The point is the monitoring would have been more that enough to assure save and clean production.

I have heard some of the lamest excuses of why we are not drilling. With the band on off shore drilling and other sites that contain oil, we have reached an inevitable situation. As they say the chickens have come home to roost. And those who stood in the way of drilling and building refineries must give an account of this and not just point their finger at someone else to blame. Even the Governor of Alaska was in the news with this, “Alaska Governor to Sen. Reid: Start drilling in ANWR! Sarah Palin confronts Dem majority leader, asks, 'What will it take' for Congress to act?” There must be action now. They say that even if we start drilling today it would take years before we would see sufficient oil in the market and the lowering of prices. But, that is not so, because once the band is lifted the speculators and the ones that buy oil would be relieved that the supply would increase and the price would immediately start coming down. That’s called economics.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to take care of the environment. But it needs to be aligned with a little common sense. We should and we must be good stewards of the land because it’s the right thing to do. We can have what we need and still have a beautiful, clean and safe land in which to live.

We need to put our heads together and work towards self sufficiency in our oil supply. We can do this if we will just come together and work shoulder to shoulder. Our future depends on it. The politician need to refrain from trying to use this situation to advance their party or them selves. This is a disgrace and shame is upon them that brought us to this point. Lets get it right and do what must be done, God bless America.

Sleep save, sleep sound my friend.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe Alaska Gov Sarah Palin is going to get the nod for VP.

McCain/Palin ‘08