Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Good evening, well it has been a very special day for me. First we had a good morning in church, always good to gather around God's word and fellowship with friends and family. It is also good to gather at home to celebrate the day. It's good to watch your son, now with his own kids enjoy the day also. We laughed and rejoiced and shared our love one to another. I thank God for the privilege that he has allowed me to experience. I also have the privilege and the honor to still have my dad here. It's funny how much your own father grows in your eyes and the tremendous respect you have for him as the years seem to pass by. I AM TRULY BLESSED!

Several times through the day my thoughts are about those who don't have a father for what ever the reason. My heart breaks for them and my prayer is that they at least have good memories of their father. My dad is a WW2 vet. and I read the other day that the WW2 vets were dying at the rate of 1,800 a day. That means there was a lot of folks facing the day with out their father for the first time. As I face the day with great joy and happiness, there are those who face the day with tears and sadness. They probably wish they would have spent more time with their dads. For us who still have them we should take their loss to heart and spend as much time as we can with them. It may take a little more effort, it may take a little sacrifice, but we will find at the end of the day it will be worth it all.

So friends lets make each and every day Father's Day and also Mother's Day. Lets make it Brother's Day, Sister's Day, and heck lets just make it People's Day and cover all the bases. Who knows what the affect it may have on someone who is lonely. They may well spread the fellowship to who knows where. I guess what I am saying is, we need to have a passion for people, we need to show we care while we can for life can be very short. If you don't buy into that just talk to one of the kids of the 1,800 that was here yesterday.

Love to the end and smile the whole while.

Sleep tight, sleep save and keep loven.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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