Friday, June 20, 2008


Hello and good evening. Here is another segment from my 1914 almanac. This is a list of upcoming celebrations, enjoy.


The Panama-Pacific Exposition, 1915

The present prospects indicate that between thirty-five and forty nations will participate in the great fair to be held in San Francisco in 1915 in celebration of the completion of the Panama Canal. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Salvador, and Uruguay early signified their intention of placing representative displays. Switzerland, Sweden, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Belgium and Colombia delayed their replies either on account of proposed legislation, or to learn the exhibition space avail­able. Greece, Montenegro, Norway, Paraguay, Spain, and Venezuela had until late in 1913 failed to reply, though their participation in the exposi­tion was considered practically certain. Great Britain, Germany, Egypt, Luxembourg, Monaco, Servia, Siam and Turkey have declined. Roumania has asked time to consider.

Mr. Frank L. Brown, an official of the exposi­tion, has said:

"We have planned to have battleships and cruisers representing the nations of the world as­semble in Hampton Roads and from there steam down to the Isthmus and through the Panama Canal and up the Pacific Coast to San Francisco preliminary to the opening of the exposition. The battleship Oregon, built at the Union Iron Works at San Francisco, and the first battleship to steam from one ocean to the other, passing through the Straits of Magellan, will be invited to lead the procession.

"Upon the arrival of this great naval flotilla there will be a pageant of all the Central and South American nations. Following this will be automobile races, Olympic games and airship flights. Then will come the pageants of the Ori­ental nations, the first ever organized."

The exposition will open on Saturday, February 20, 1915, and close on Saturday, December 4, 1915.

California Redwood Forests, 1915

The Sempervirens Club, California, is making a. public appeal for a celebration of 1915 by the preservation of the Big Basin. The club has been in existence for a dozen years and its especial pur­pose has been the preservation for the use of the people of portions of the redwood forest. The State of California has purchased and set aside for a public park about 3,800 acres of redwoods, the California Redwood Park. This park lies within the Big Basin, and comprises about one-third of the whole, and the proposal is now for the government to acquire the rest.

Australian World's Fair, 1915

A great international exposition, which it is hoped will be opened by King George and Queen Mary, is to be held at Perth, Western Australia, in 1915, on the occasion of the completion of the Trans-Australian Railroad. The line, which is now under construction, crosses Australia from north to south, and is to be connected with West Australia on the west and Queensland and Victoria on the east. The total cost is estimated at $50,000,000.

ALL the foreign governments are being invited to participate in the exposition, and some have already given tentative assurances that they would do so. All sections of the British Empire are to have industrial and historical exhibits, and large space is to be devoted to those past and passing phases of Australian history which have direct connection with the aboriginal inhabitants.

Another Transcontinental Railway in 1914

All the contracts for the completion of the Canadian Northern Transcontinental Railway from tidewater at Quebec to the Pacific Ocean at Port Mann require completion of all lines by January 1, 1914. Sir Donald Mann, vice-presi­dent, has stated positively that the Transcontinen­tal, which will be the second in Canada, will be completed in 1914, but all Canada is watching the race against time for the completion of construc­tion through the mountains of British Columbia on the west, and across Ontario from Lake Nipis-sing to Port Arthur, and from Ottawa to Hawkesbury on the Ottawa-Montreal line at the east. The passage of the first through train over the new line is to be marked by special celebrations in all the towns and cities of the new country the railway is opening up.

Centennial of Norway's Freedom, 1914

Norwegian residents of Minneapolis have formed an organization to erect a $10,000 monument to Bjornstjerne Bjornson, the poet, during the centennial celebration of Norway's freedom in that city. May 17, 1914. A fund of $1,000,000 also is being raised by the Norwegians of America to be presented to Norway at the time of the cele­bration, with a four-volume history of Norwe­gians in the United States.

Plans are being perfected for a series of com­memorative reviews in Norway, and it is stated that special ceremonies will be held in celebration of Norwegian explorers' achievements, of the country's increased and important shipping in­dustries, and of her famous men of letters and art.

The Anglo-American Peace Fair

An Anglo-American peace exposition is to be held in London in October, 1914, "to celebrate the century of peace and the progress of the arts, sci­ences and industries of the United States and the British Empire." The Duke of Teck is president and Lord Strathcona vice-president of the organi­zation promoting the event. Lord Blyth and Lord Wareham are also actively engaged in prepara­tions for this feature of the centennial celebration. In a letter urging prospective exhibitors to make early plans the promoters say: "International friendship is never so durable as when rooted in reciprocal trade, and the trend of political events in the United States promises an exceptional op­portunity to our manufacturers in this respect."

To Celebrate a Century of Peace

The project for celebrating, in 1914, the com­pletion of one hundred years of peace between the United States and Great Britain is steadily pro­gressing. Plans are forming to make this commemoration notable on both sides of the Atlantic and in the British colonies, not only as marking past good will and peaceful relations on the part of English-speaking peoples, but as a pledge of the future. Great military and civic celebrations are being planned for many important cities in the United States and Canada. Especially along the international boundary line are the plans most elaborate. The proposal that permanent monuments be erected at important points on the border is meeting with great favor and seems practically sure of final acceptance.

New York Barge Canal, 1915

State Engineer John A. Bensel of New York has reported that the barge canal will be ready for use in 1915. The first section of the canal to be operated will be the Champlain Canal, 81 miles long. This will be opened in 1914. It will pro­vide for transportation of ore from Port Henry to New York harbor. The boats to be used on this canal will be 207 feet long and have a 30-foot beam. They will draw 12 feet of water.

Spanish-American Exposition in Seville, Spain, 1915

Early in 1912 it was announced that in 1914 a great general industrial exposition would be held in Seville, Spain, to celebrate the completion of (the canal which is to shorten and straighten the Guadalquivir River from Seville to the Atlantic Ocean and the opening of this new era in the history of that city as a seaport. , Later advices, however, postpone this import­ant event till 1915 on account of unexpected delay in the completion of the engineering work. In the sixteenth century Seville was the principal European trading port with the New World. To inaugurate a second epoch of maritime activity this exposition has been planned, and all the Span­ish-American republics are invited to participate.

Plymouth Rock's Tri-Centenary, 1920

On December 20,1920, the whole Commonwealth of Massachusetts will commemorate the three hundredth anniversary of the landing of the Pil­grim Fathers on Plymouth Rock. The Massachusetts Federation of Churches calls upon all the churches of the Commonwealth to work together during the remaining years of this decade for the following ends:

1. The removal of all needless duplication of church effort by interdenominational exchange of fields, consolidation or federation.

2. The organization of every local group of churches, by simple but effective methods, for cot-operation in all common tasks.

3. The systematic division of labor, so that some church shall be responsible for each square mile or city block both to know and to better its social conditions, and touch in a real way every family and individual.

4. Co-operation with all recognized agencies for betterment to secure the greatest possible advance in morals, legislation, sanitation, housing, recrea­tion, education, and just and harmonious relations between labor and capital.

Verdi's Centenary

The year 1914 marks the centenary of the birth of the most famous and most popular of the Ital­ian operatic composers. All the world will join Italy in paying tribute to the memory of this great musician. Special presentations of his most famous compositions are to be given in sev­eral American cities and in many places in Europe.

Cleofonte Campanini, one of the best known Italian orchestra conductors, has been chosen to conduct the festival in honor of the centenary of Verdi's birth, which will be held at Parma in 1914, when Verdi's Requiem will be sung.

A Swiss International Exposition

The city of Berne, capital of Switzerland, is preparing for an elaborate industrial, historical and educational exposition in 1914. International educational conferences will form a considerable part of the exposition, for the Swiss federation is known for the part its citizens have taken in half a dozen educational fields, particularly in medi­cine. The part Switzerland took In the formation of the Red Cross society\has been perpetu­ated by the design and reversed colors of the hospital service ensign.

The Leipzig Book Exposition

An international exhibition for the book indus­try and the graphic arts, including photography, will be held under the auspices of the Deutscher Buchgewerbeverein, at Leipzig, the book industrial center of Germany, from May to October, 1914, for the purpose of celebrating the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Royal Acad­emy for the Graphic Arts and the Book Industry at Leipzig. This project meets with hearty en­couragement from the German Government, the State of Saxony and the city of Leipzig, and all three of these have made liberal subscriptions.

The exhibition desires to bring about a friendly competition in the graphic arts and book industry amongst all civilized nations; it is designed to dem­onstrate industrial book production in its profound influence on the general education of the people, and in its connection with all branches of culture, and it is also intended to show what a prominent position the graphic arts and industries occupy in the life of nations.

The development and the position in the history of civilization of the various branches of the book industry will be clearly demonstrated, and the technical stages of each process will be shown. An ethnographical section will be devoted to the products of primitive peoples. Workshops, mod­els and apparatus for demonstration purposes will form important features of the exposition. The End

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Have a good evening and sleep save my friend.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"A Swiss International Exposition"

never heard... did you mean the Swiss national exhibition Bern 1914? (visit my museum: )

Gruss, S.L.A.B.