Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Liberal Press Thinks They Know Best!

Well folks, this election has turned into a nightmare. I don't care who your horse is in this race it is nothing short of pure arrogance by the mainstream media. I can't get over the bias and just plain traitorous conduct of the press.

We are suppose to make an intelligent choice when we go to the polls this November fourth. But I ask how in the world can we? How can we know who is the right man for the job if the press keeps covering up important information.

There are those who can only get their news from the big three. They do not have cable or internet or the time to search out the truth. So they rely on the MSM. Boy, are they getting a bunch of garbage handed to them. It's a shame and a disgrace that that ranks up there with Judas, Booth, and B. Arnold.

We must hold the MSM accountable in this charade and nightmare they have brought upon us.

This world is to scary to put the wrong person in the White House. One wrong decision and we could wake up dead and that makes for a bad day.

Pray hard America.

The Old Farmer

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