Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The gods of tolerance!

There was a study done on the morality of Americans. And it was a sad day indeed. It seems to say that the younger the individual the less moral they are. It is no wonder when you come to realize that they have had less training in what is absolute truth. The further we get from the time when you could read your bible in school the further we get from morality.

The side effects of immorality can become terminal to our lives. They can dominate the very consciousness of all of us. When we look into scripture from the bible it describes horrible times from the past when there was no morality. And death went hand in hand with what little life that was left. It was easier to give in to the lusts of the time than rather to take a stand for what is right.

If we take that stand today and proclaim what is right and what is good there would be a howl of intolerance applied to us proclaimers. We would be ostracized and shunned by the outcry of the immortal tolerant. But even the gods of tolerance can not stand long when they embrace immorality with it's cold passion and loveless kiss. The gods of tolerance weaken and become mortal again and slowly succumb to righteousness and the benefits of morality. They can grow morally strong and reclaim the pristine sparkle of genuine goodness. We must proclaim the truth and stand our ground till they come around to rightness and our posterity will ever thank us for our insight, strength and will to do the right thing.

The Old Farmer

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