Thursday, October 16, 2008

Character Is Everything!


Well now the final debate is over and while the smoke is clearing lets look at a few facts and problems I see in this election. As we Americans get ready to vote for our next president we must make sure as to what we are doing. Put the candidate’s policies that they would enact when in office aside, because most of them will be at the mercy of congress anyway. I truly believe that character is the utmost important issue that should determine who sets in the oval office. With that in mind I would like to look at the character of Barack Obama Senator.

Firstly, Obama’s ties with Acorn which seems to be the first shot out of the cannon. He was a lawyer for them and he also trained some of their staff. All well and good but Acorn is in the middle of investigations for voter fraud now and has been in the past. They also are notorious for intimidation of banks and financial institutions to acquire mortgages for minorities and low income individuals. This has aided in this financial melt down we are experiencing now. Acorn’s style and the way they operate is, go out and get in their face tactics. And confrontation used to achieve a specific goal.

Secondly, Obama’s ties to Kenya and Raila Odinga the Prime Minister. The investigation by WorldNetDaily senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi is enlightening and informative to say the least. To read the reports on this situation go to Some of these reports from WorldNet daily link Obama to this election in Kenya. They took place a year or two ago. And he was in contact with Odinga on several occasions. He went to Kenya on a fact finding trip and was photographed at a campaign stop with Odinga in 2006. It is reported that Obama helped Odinga with campaign strategy. When Odinga lost the election his people started tearing the country apart until Odinga was made Prime Minister. Their operation method was, go out and get in their face tactics. And confrontation used to achieve a specific goal.

Thirdly, the twenty years spent in the pews listening to his Pastor Jeremiah Wright. This man has an adverse attitude towards America and makes no bones about it. His style and substance would encourage people to use, go out and get in their face tactics. And confrontation used to achieve a specific goal.

Fourthly, Obama himself told his supporters to go out and get in their face. He uses confrontation to achieve a specific goal.

Fifthly, on July the second of this year Obama made a speech in which he said, “if elected he would start a Civilian Security Force with the same power as the military.” The text of the statement has been removed from the total text of the speech, I wonder why? When one thinks of Civilian Security Force it does not bring up warm and fuzzy thoughts. It brings up thoughts of Gestapo, KGB and thugs. Who very easily could exercise, go out and get in their face tactics. And confrontation used to achieve a specific goal.

There seems to be a common denominator in all of this. And it raises some thoughts about Senator Obama which are these. If these items have merit do they give us a glimpse into the mind and ideology of Obama? Do they give some insight of what his presidency would be like? Is there reason to be concerned about his winning the election? And most importantly, should we be concerned if he loses the election? Is there reason to think that what happened in Kenya will stay in Kenya? Or will we be treated to another Al Gore syndrome.

I have a lot of questions about Obama and his beliefs. There seems to be a haze hanging over him in which the mainstream media refuses to clear away so that we can see the man for who he is. If Obama loses this election the mainstream media will probably lead the political revolt. And we will be treated to some of the worst reporting to come down the pike ever and who knows what else.

I believe that character is most important and it should be made transparent for all to see no matter what party you are representing.

Pray hard America and my God bless us.

The Old Farmer

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