Sunday, August 3, 2008

We Have But One Life To Live - Live It!

Hello, it was one of those rare days when all went very well. I celebrated my birthday along with my granddaughter and daughter. We had our usual family get together with it's usual fun and frolic. I thank God for family and the closeness we have.

Also today we had a carry in at church and a great time eating together. If you have never experience a church a meal together at church with a church family, boy oh boy, you have never lived. For some reason the food is out of this world.

Also today at church we had a missionary that is in the field in Spain. He told us all the things going on with the work he is doing. But what hit the hardest is that he lost his wife to cancer this past March. He took us through the life of his dear wife. It was sad and very moving. I am sure he misses her as do we all for they were well known at our church because we supported their work financially. She is home with the Lord she served and loved with all her heart.

People ask why would God takes someone so young and vibrant away from what you would think is the calling of her life. Only God knows the answer to that one. But her husband said something that hit me with great promise. The Lord Jesus Christ loved her so much that he wanted her to be with him for all eternity. She now resides in a perfect place with no pain from cancer and no worries. Its hard to let go but to know the Lord is to love him.

This kind of happening is always a wake up call for us left on the earth. We need to take advantage of every moment and every second with our loved one and friends. We do not know the hour or the time of our departure from this life. And if you have never come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ then you had better get that taken care of first. The alternative to heaven and Christ is not a pleasing one.

Friend lets try to make the most of what we have been given in this life. Lets try to be the kind of people that are pleasing to be around. We must love first before we can appreciate being loved.
May God richly bless each of us with His amazing grace.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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