Monday, August 4, 2008

There Is Still The Need To Drill

Hello, I see that the Republicans are still fighting hard for lifting the ban on drilling for oil. They are still debating the bill even thought he house speaker and her handy dandy bunch of gangsters are on vacation while we the people are suffering from being held hostage by the Arab oil countries.

Will someone please tell house speaker Polosi that she is not irreplaceable or any of her sidekicks masquerading as servants of the people. That they have a responsibility to us not the environmental wackos that seem to rule the roost.

Is house speaker Polosi so insulated from the people that she does not have a clue to are needs? Or is she just so arrogant that we the peons have nothing to say to her Majesty? Does she think that she can escape the after math of this explosive situation? She must!

My fellow Americans, now is the time, now is the opportunity, now we must make a stand and take back our country. We need to rip the controls of this fair and great land out of the hands of the power hungry, out of the hands of the unimpressable people like Nancy Polosi. She must be impressed with who truly has the power. And that is us, at least for a while. We need to make our voices heard and heard again until we are in control again. Hang in there, the fight has just begun. May God bless America.

For all is well down on the farm.

The Old Farmer

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