Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Archomai Characters

I have set a goal of finishing the Archomai trilogy in two years. I have a good start on Archomai II. However, I found that writing a sequel is a lot harder than writing the first in the series. In the first book, I could let my mind go and chase bunny rabbits where ever they went. In the sequel, I must remember all the bunny trails and what color the bunny was at the time of the chase. What I have found is that I must live in the world of Archomai. By that I mean in my imagination I am there. I see the characters, and I see the landscape. I feel the characters pain, their joy, their heartache, and their victories. Once the characters become intimate friends with me, even the bad ones, then I remember them in detail and take joy in writing more about them. But when the series ends, then I must say good-bye and that will not be easy.

Next time tying events and happenings to the characters.

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