Saturday, April 18, 2009

Susan Boyle, The Swan!

The world found in Susan Boyle a place to bring their emotions and let them flow with their desire to see something good, pure, and joyful. Their hunger for good news has caused them to rally and rejoice together. She represents hope and steadfast patience in faith. She came at the right time and in the right fashion.

But it is more than that for many of us. We are the “Ugly Ducklings” that dreamed of becoming a beautiful swan. But life, like the song she sang, has emptied that dream and though it is not forgotten, it has become mute. Many of us never had the chance to see our dreams realized. So we shoved them beneath the strife of living and dare not let them surface. We have gone through life normal, happy, and doing what is needed. But, know it or not, we are very sensitive of our dreams and the knowledge that we still in a small part are “Ugly Ducklings”.

So when we see Susan Boyle come before the judges and audience, and was ridiculed and laughed at, we become her. We are “Ugly Ducklings” again. We become one with her because we each have our own “Ugly Duckling” traits and we rally for self-preservation. She is one of us.

Then she sings and every captive, “Ugly Duck”, trapped feeling explodes. And for one beautiful brief moment we all become swans through her. And the tears come, out of control, but they are so good and they flow with pure honest rejoicing. Suddenly all our troubles are gone, all our worries have vanished and we have peace as we sit on the pinnacle of pure gratification.

Our faith is restored and we know that God still loves us and will still orchestrate the right medicine for us at the right time. He shows His strength through our weaknesses. Susan Boyle is God’s elixir for hope and joy.

We do not know what the future holds for us, but for one beautiful moment we soared free on the pure wings of a swan.

The Old Farmer

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