Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hate Is Wrong And Unhealthy!
Well folks it is getting close to election day. And it will all be over then or will it. I seen a column today that says if Obama loses there will be blood in the streets and a civil war. You got to love these Hollywood types. The mainstream media is still tumbling down the mountain of "double standards for all because we know best". And "Acorn" is still trying with all their might to be asked to leave the country and take up residence in a socialist country of their choice.
Hate America seems to be the in thing these days, but where does it come from? I believe it comes from a handful of people that are in a position of influence. They have the power over people that they are instructing or have the power of the written word to push their agenda.
Lets look at some of the friends and associates of Barack Obama the Democratic nominee for president. To mention a few, Frank Marshall Davis (communist sex pervert ), Tony Rezko (Syrian con man ), Rashid Khalidi (Palestinian spokes person ), Bill Ayers (domestic terrorist ), Bernardine Dohrn (domestic terrorist ), and Jeremiah Wright (liberation theology preacher). What do all of these have in common? The answer hit me today as I was watching the news, they all hate America, and have made statements saying as much. With people being in jobs of influence like these it is no wonder we have such a hate thy brother attitude across party lines as we do today. It does not matter which party is spewing hate, IT IS WRONG. It is a shame we have come to this point in the history of our country. God Help us.
November 3th is being designated as a day of fasting and prayer. Maybe we can salvage some sense of unity out of this mess. When we talk division we get division. When we talk unity we get unity.
God help us all.
The Old Farmer
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
We Are Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge.
We are less than a week away from voting for president. What normally would be an exciting time has turned into a fearful time. For the first time there are a huge percentage of Americans going to the polls totally uneducated about the candidates, especially one in particular. Because of the mainstream media has spoon feed just what they wanted the people to have.
When you vote you need to be aware of who you are voting for. Once you cast your vote it can not be taken back. It is sad that a lot of people do not understand who this Obama fellow really is. It is a shame and a travesty that the general population lacks the knowledge of his background and his associations. If the media had done it's job and given out all the information it had and you felt this is your man. Great, you have made your choice the American way and you can hold your head up proud. But to vote with only a fraction of the knowledge is sad and wrong and very dangerous.
There is a bible verse that comes to mind here,
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6.
Don't settle for a lack of knowledge or be afraid of the truth.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32.
We need a good measure of healing in this country now. And we will need a very large measure after the election. For I fear there will be a great divide in this great land of ours. Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided can not stand". That was pertinent in his time, it is also pertinent in our time.
We have always had a common mooring to set us straight and back on course together. The Constitution and when that needed help, the Declaration of Independence. These documents remind us who we are and the price that was paid so we can go in freedom and vote. But again, we must vote with knowledge and understanding exactly who the candidates are.
Friend, we are in this ship together and we need each other. These are hazardous times and they are filled with danger from a very uncertain world. It lurks from without and from within. Lets not allow the danger to strike from within. Lets become bonded together with strength and determination to leave our posterity with a loving and caring land in which to grow up in.
May God bless America.
The Old Farmer
Thursday, October 23, 2008
No Riots Please!
There is a report that there will be increased police on duty election day and night for anticipated riots and trouble. Have we now become a third world country or a South American dictatorship. There was a time when Americans could disagree in patriotic unison. A time when America come first always. Now we are facing riots and who knows what all.
It is a fact that Obama told his supporters to go and get in the face of those who do not support him. It is a fact that Obama's picture was taken on a campaign stop with Kenya's strong man Odinga. It is a fact that Obama contributed money to Odinga campaign. It is also a fact that when Odinga lost the election by 200,000 votes he claimed voter fraud and sent the young people out to get in the faces of those who did not support Odinga. The end result was riots and the death of 1,000 people plus 100's of christian churches burned to the ground, one full of women and children. Odinga was awarded the Prime Ministers position for the efforts of his young followers.
We are being over run with voter fraud by many groups, especially the group Acorn. Acorn has made it no secret that they support Obama and will do anything to get him elected. How in the world can we know if this election, when its over, is legitimate and exercised with fairness and honesty?
This is the danger when people start thinking that a mortal man is border line divine. When they say he is the messiah and can do no wrong. His gift of oratory sways and swoons the populace into a mesmerized state that they can not shake off. They are trying to see the country through a fog of isolated political blindness called I am Obama.
If people could back away for a minute and look at this election with clear eyes and make a wise choice we would be the better for it. No matter who you decide on, it is each Americans right to freely make his choice. We may not agree with the results but we are still Americans and we must treat each other with respect. No riots please.
It is my right to have my say, it is my right to vote for whom ever I chose and it is my right to vote with conviction. And it is my right to vote with out fear of reprisals. Many, many people died to preserve this basic right and it should not be taken lightly.
Vote for who ever you decide to, but people should not be attacked just because they support someone else.
If you are of the number that is ready to cause trouble and riot in the streets if your man is not elected. May I make a modest suggestion, move to Kenya and embrace Odinga.
Those who preach tolerance seem to be in the need of a large dose of this word tolerance themselves.
May God bless America.
The Old Farmer
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Liberal Press Thinks They Know Best!
Well folks, this election has turned into a nightmare. I don't care who your horse is in this race it is nothing short of pure arrogance by the mainstream media. I can't get over the bias and just plain traitorous conduct of the press.
We are suppose to make an intelligent choice when we go to the polls this November fourth. But I ask how in the world can we? How can we know who is the right man for the job if the press keeps covering up important information.
There are those who can only get their news from the big three. They do not have cable or internet or the time to search out the truth. So they rely on the MSM. Boy, are they getting a bunch of garbage handed to them. It's a shame and a disgrace that that ranks up there with Judas, Booth, and B. Arnold.
We must hold the MSM accountable in this charade and nightmare they have brought upon us.
This world is to scary to put the wrong person in the White House. One wrong decision and we could wake up dead and that makes for a bad day.
Pray hard America.
The Old Farmer
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Character Is Everything!
Well now the final debate is over and while the smoke is clearing lets look at a few facts and problems I see in this election. As we Americans get ready to vote for our next president we must make sure as to what we are doing. Put the candidate’s policies that they would enact when in office aside, because most of them will be at the mercy of congress anyway. I truly believe that character is the utmost important issue that should determine who sets in the oval office. With that in mind I would like to look at the character of Barack Obama Senator.
Firstly, Obama’s ties with Acorn which seems to be the first shot out of the cannon. He was a lawyer for them and he also trained some of their staff. All well and good but Acorn is in the middle of investigations for voter fraud now and has been in the past. They also are notorious for intimidation of banks and financial institutions to acquire mortgages for minorities and low income individuals. This has aided in this financial melt down we are experiencing now. Acorn’s style and the way they operate is, go out and get in their face tactics. And confrontation used to achieve a specific goal.
Secondly, Obama’s ties to
Thirdly, the twenty years spent in the pews listening to his Pastor Jeremiah Wright. This man has an adverse attitude towards
Fourthly, Obama himself told his supporters to go out and get in their face. He uses confrontation to achieve a specific goal.
Fifthly, on July the second of this year Obama made a speech in which he said, “if elected he would start a Civilian Security Force with the same power as the military.” The text of the statement has been removed from the total text of the speech, I wonder why? When one thinks of Civilian Security Force it does not bring up warm and fuzzy thoughts. It brings up thoughts of Gestapo, KGB and thugs. Who very easily could exercise, go out and get in their face tactics. And confrontation used to achieve a specific goal.
There seems to be a common denominator in all of this. And it raises some thoughts about Senator Obama which are these. If these items have merit do they give us a glimpse into the mind and ideology of Obama? Do they give some insight of what his presidency would be like? Is there reason to be concerned about his winning the election? And most importantly, should we be concerned if he loses the election? Is there reason to think that what happened in
I have a lot of questions about Obama and his beliefs. There seems to be a haze hanging over him in which the mainstream media refuses to clear away so that we can see the man for who he is. If Obama loses this election the mainstream media will probably lead the political revolt. And we will be treated to some of the worst reporting to come down the pike ever and who knows what else.
I believe that character is most important and it should be made transparent for all to see no matter what party you are representing.
Pray hard
The Old Farmer
Friday, October 10, 2008
Awaken America And Smell The Anger.
There seems to be a growing anger in the heart of America. People are saying that they are getting "mad", or "mad as hell". I even heard one lady say she is "pissed". Now I normally don't use language like that in my blog but it seems to be the words being used by an upset populace.
I have heard America referred to as "the great silent majority", also as a "sleeping giant". Americans are generally a God fearing, patriotic, peace loving and compassionate people. Until they are pushed over the edge, and that seems to be getting closer these days. We, as a people pretty mush mind are own affairs and try to make ends meet to keep our families going. There is nothing more formidable than a "pissed" America. Especially when the trouble comes from within.
Things are so screwed up in our country today that one has a hard time just finding a place to start. But one place is this socialist movement that has caused so much of our problems in our freedoms and especially the world of finance. All of those who embrace this ideology are pushing the "sleeping giant" closer to the edge just to obtain power and wealth. And they have no idea as to what they are flirting with.
There was another time when the people were "pissed" and "mad as hell". They weren't called Americans then, they were called "Colonist". But when they became Americans, those they were "pissed at" and "mad as hell at" found the weather here to uncomfortable and hot footed it back to England. And those that were kissing up to them for power and wealth applied the first "exit strategy" that was agreed upon by unanimous consent. The end result is, when Americans finally get "pissed" and "mad as hell", something naturally happens, just ask England and the traitorous Tories.
We must fully awaken and make a stand for truth and freedom. We must never give in to those that have their best interest at heart. We must not allow those who are trying to subvert the very truth to succeed. We must stay angered until we win the day and America is again set back on the pinnacle of Her prestigious position.
The Old Farmer
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The gods of tolerance!
There was a study done on the morality of Americans. And it was a sad day indeed. It seems to say that the younger the individual the less moral they are. It is no wonder when you come to realize that they have had less training in what is absolute truth. The further we get from the time when you could read your bible in school the further we get from morality.
The side effects of immorality can become terminal to our lives. They can dominate the very consciousness of all of us. When we look into scripture from the bible it describes horrible times from the past when there was no morality. And death went hand in hand with what little life that was left. It was easier to give in to the lusts of the time than rather to take a stand for what is right.
If we take that stand today and proclaim what is right and what is good there would be a howl of intolerance applied to us proclaimers. We would be ostracized and shunned by the outcry of the immortal tolerant. But even the gods of tolerance can not stand long when they embrace immorality with it's cold passion and loveless kiss. The gods of tolerance weaken and become mortal again and slowly succumb to righteousness and the benefits of morality. They can grow morally strong and reclaim the pristine sparkle of genuine goodness. We must proclaim the truth and stand our ground till they come around to rightness and our posterity will ever thank us for our insight, strength and will to do the right thing.
The Old Farmer