Monday, September 29, 2008
We Can Right The Ship November Fourth!
The house has nixed the bailout bill and the world hasn't ended yet, give it time. Sometimes I think some super hard times might be the what the doctor ordered for reviving this great land of ours. We can not appreciate the good times until we have experienced the hard times. It is tough trying to figure out what the morrow will bring.
One thing I know for sure, that is it is impossible for the bulk of our elected officials to act in a bi-partisan way. When it comes to power and might they will not give an inch. While the ship is sinking they are battling to see who is going to be captain and control the last square inch of the ship before it goes under the water. I give you Nancy Pelosi and her harpies tongue with it's mindless chatter. She is responsible for most of the problems that occurred this day. When she finally shuts her mouth, up pops Barney Frank, need I say more.
This is another good reason to throw the bums out of office and put decent folks in their place. There is power in the ballot box, and it can send a message that can not be mistaken. We must set an example in leadership and show these children how adults act. If you are as upset as I am, keep the head of steam boiling till this election is over and we will send these children on a permanent recess.
The Old Farmer
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Do I Dare Say What I Think?
I am always thankful that I have the privilege to live in America. And to be free with the ability to chose my own path and make decisions for me and my family. Our freedom is a very fragile thing and we need to be on guard all the time for something or someone that would erode it away.
Barack Hussein Obama seems to be doing just that. I have read a report where certain officials and law enforcement agents who support Barack Hussein Obama, from Missouri are operating a "Truth Squad" that is looking for campaign ads that appeared to be false or misleading, Gov. Matt Blunt today likened the intimidation to "police state tactics."
The Obama campaign also sent "threatening" letters to several news agencies in Pennsylvania and Ohio demanding they stop airing ads exposing Obama's gun stance, according to the National Rifle Association.
In a speech given on July 2nd, Barack Hussein Obama said that when he becomes president he would start a, "Civilian Security Force", with the same power has the military. You can find the video of the speech and hear it for yourself, but the text has been removed from the transcript of the speech. It seems that to many people became alarmed by such statements.
These items seem to tell us that our freedoms could rest in the hands of someone who does not know or care about them. If he is willing to abuse our freedom of speech just to get elected, what might happen is he is elected and has the power remove them permanently? There is something very frightening about all this. It is like I am having a very bad dream, but this time I might wake up to a "POLICE STATE".
The Old Farmer
Friday, September 26, 2008
A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned!
Well, this is another fine mess we find ourselves in, thank you very much. We have a major, I mean major financial problem just waiting to drag all of our financial institutions down the old pop chute. But where did this all start?
Back in the nighties under the Clinton administration they decided that all minorities should be able to own a home. They also thought that those in low income bracket should also have a shot at home ownership. This is a good thought and one worthy of looking into. But, when you lower the standards to get a mortgage you are inviting a disaster.
Now this is exactly what they did. And there was all kind of sweetheart deals for politicians and high muckity mucks.
There were people trying to sound the alarm about this very dangerous practise, but no one was listening. It would seem that the Demarcates were courting more minorities to add to their voting block for the 2000 election, Gore was suppose to be a shoe in.
In 2005 a bill was sponsored by Senator McCain and others to regulate Fanny and Freddy. But the Demarcates would not let the bill out of committee. At that time if they would have moved on this issue they could have stopped this melt down before it occurred. But there was to much money being handed out in special mortgages and as always, there is campaign money to be had.
As this thing hit wall street and the banking companies, there seems to be a total disaster ready to happen. So the bail out, which at first was going to be business as usual. Which would mean that the top executives would walk away with millions. Thank the people for their instant unanimous scream of not this time. As I write they are still trying to hammer out a bail out bill.
For all of you liberal and socialist thinking people. Take a good look at what can happen when you experiment with socialism. Because that is exactly what happened back during the Clinton administration. A socialist experiment that almost cost this nation more that it could stand. They could of plunged this country into a severe depression with all the trimmings. Such as poverty of the likes that has not been seen for centuries. Also lives, people die when all hell is unleashed.
I say this up front, I have had a belly full of people like this Reid, Dodd, Pelosi, and the rest of those who lie to further their candidate and them selves. There is no excuse for it. They need to be driven from Washington DC by the ballot box, and soon.
The Democrats are trying to make Obama look like a great leader, and McCain look like a dunce. But it is the other way around and the good people of this great land know who was there to do a job and who was there for show because of his lack of experience.
The Old Farmer
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Don"t Vote Blindly!
Today, as I was thinking through some of the remarks and reporting going on in this election cycle. It occurred to me that the mainstream media (MSM) has gotten even bolder with their one sided reporting.
It has come to the point that one campaign can say and do virtually anything and it hardly raises an eyebrow. Where as the other campaign speaks and the MSM freaks.
One campaign has a flowered road to lazily swagger down. While the other must dodge mines and minds to stay upright and get their message out to the people.
One campaign is given pass on policy and personal beliefs. While the other is so scrutinized that one would think they are the worst dregs of humane society. Even when there is nothing there the MSM will gleefully make up something to take the breath away from the common folk.
This report card is disgraceful and shameful. It also is alarming to think that they, the MSM seems to get a free pass with no accountability.
The thought that came to me today is this, because of the MSM and all it's cohorts along with Hollywood and it's minions, has produced something that is very frightening. They have produced a mass of people that will go to the voting booth BLIND. They will cast their vote virtually blinded for the lack of the truth. They have been spoon fed just what the MSM wishes to serve up for their consumption.
You might say that is ridiculous, and I might say it is not. Here is the reason it is not. If you have 50% of all information on a specific candidate and proceed to the polls with that information in tow and cast your ballot. You have voted blindly. When you trust the MSM for your information you get the selected material. You have the stated 50% while the MSM says you have 100%. You go to the polls with your assumed 100% when in fact you only have 50%, and you vote. You have just voted blindly, no other way to say it.
When the MSM becomes your seeing eye dog it is the one that leads you through the political landscape. It also can bite you and you will never know who or what bit you. Don't forget you are blind because of the MSM.
If you want your vote to count then use it wisely. Seek the truth and check out the reporting for errors. If you find any media that is deliberately feeding you false information, flag it. Don't use it again until it has proven itself credible. We need to know the truth, for it is the truth that keeps us free.
With your vote comes a huge responsibility. It is to be cherished and nurtured with respect and cared for deeply. That vote you have came to you at a very high price. Many, many Americans laid down their lives so we could cast our votes in freedom and with all the knowledge we can muster in a free country. Use your vote wisely!
The Old Farmer
Sunday, September 21, 2008
God Keeps His Promises, On Time, Every Time!
It has been another one of those great Sundays with family and friends. Our family traditionally has been church goers. We gather in the Lords house for worship and fellowship. The history of our country is one of worship by families. We as a nation are the better for it. I believe it is one of the reasons we are as strong as we are. But the times are changing a little. There seems to be a falling away from our traditions and responsibilities.
How do we regain the solid footing that we once had? Does Gods word give us a recipe for restoration? Well it does and it will work every time it is applied. The recipe is,
2Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
We as Christians are called to be different, not because we are better but because People should be able to see Christ in us and through us. We are ambassadors of our Lord and should conduct ourselves accordingly.
If we humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways. Then and only then will God hear, forgive and heal.
Christian, it is our move, are you ready to see God keep His promise.
The Old Farmer
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Isolate The Enemy, Not Each Other!
As I ponder the state of our country. It occurs to me that we have slipped deep into isolationism. Not isolationism as one would think but isolation from one another. We live close to our neighbors and we no nothing about them. We have forgotten what it means to be a friend and a companion in times of need and in times of joy. We are split right down the middle with philosophy and political desires that seem to stagger and upend the common good. Instead of someone leading us out of this state, we are being dragged deeper into it with all the politics and campaigning. To pit one against the other for political gain is one of the lowest and meanest things that can be done. And to pit one race against another is pure evil. Any intent to gain by the suffering of others is a subhuman characteristic. If the shoe fits, wear it.
We live in a very dangerous world. There are people and groups of people who would do anything to destroy us. Contrary to liberal opinion we do not deserve this attitude toward us. If people from America would remember we are all Americans and keep their mouths shut when they go outside of our country we would not have such a bad reputation that we do not deserve. Some people seem to think when they wag their tongues that people are impressed by their slander of our country. Instead it just inflames and fans the already flames in existence. Patriotism should be part of our lives each and every day. But it should be the dominate factor when we go abroad. You got a grip keep it at home. Airing dirty laundry in places other than home is inviting bloodshed of our fellow citizens. Their are those just looking for a reason to attack us. Some don't need a reason, just an opportunity. We are in this together and we need to remember that when we stand together we have a chance of survival.
Let us walk together and live together and have a future together.
The Old Farmer
Friday, September 19, 2008
"It Means I'm Saved And Forgiven"
I read a very interesting piece about Senator John McCain and his faith. When asked by Rick Warren what it meant to be a Christian, he said, "it means I'm saved and forgiven". He does not wear his faith on his sleeve for all to see. But those that were with him in the Hanoi Hilton say he is a man of great faith and his faith inspired others. John McCain says they inspired him. Needless to say he appears to be a man of great faith.
The father of our country was a man of great faith also, I reject outright those who say he was a deist. George Washington did not wear his faith on his sleeve either. But the General George Washington was a man of strong faith, as one can tell by the following account.
In 1777 while the American army lay at Valley Forge, a good old Quaker by the name of Potts had occasion to pass through a thick woods near headquarters. As he traversed the dark brown forest, he heard, at a distance before him, a voice which as he advanced became more fervid and interested.
Approaching with slowness and circumspection, whom should he behold in a dark bower, apparently formed for the purpose, but the Commander-in-Chief of the armies of the United Colonies on his knees in the act of devotion to the Ruler of the Universe!
At the moment when Friend Potts, concealed by the trees, came up, Washington was interceding for his beloved country. With tones of gratitude that labored for adequate expression he adored that exuberant goodness which, from the depth of obscurity, had exalted him to the head of a great nation, and that nation fighting at fearful odds for all the world holds dear....
Soon as the General had finished his devotions and had retired, Friend Potts returned to his house, and threw himself into a chair by the side of his wife. "Heigh! Isaac!" said she with tenderness, "thee seems agitated; what's the matter?"
"Indeed, my dear" quoth he, "if I appear agitated 'tis no more than what I am. I have seen this day what I shall never forget. Till now I have thought that a Christian and a soldier were characters incompatible; but if George Washington be not a man of God, I am mistaken, and still more shall I be disappointed if God does not through him perform some great thing for this country."
Isaac Potts labeled George Washington a soldier, Christian and a man of God solely by what he heard from the prayer of the "Commander-in-Chief".
God knows the heart and what man among us would try to lie to God who knows all things.
The Old Farmer
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Tale Of Two Standards.
Yesterday Sarah Palin's private e-mail account was hacked into and her personal information accessed. The mainstream media made mention of the happening, while the McCain camp cried foul. Now I would like for you to imagine what the response would of been had this happened to Barack Hussein Obama.
It would seem that the mainstream media has one standard for the Republicans and another standard for the Demarcates. The other day on the show "The View" they had Senator John McCain on and boy did he get hammered. Barbra Walters would not even look at him when she was asking questions. But several days before when Barack Hussein Obama was on you would of thought they had found their true love.
It has gotten so bad that the MSM doesn't even try to hide the fact they are bias and they support Barack Hussein Obama.
The only option for We The People is to turn off the MSM and let their financial woes drag them to the wood shed to get what they deserve.
The Old Farmer
Come November, We Will Remember!
Drill for oil offshore, the House Democrats say yes. But wait just a minute, drill on how much area of sea bottom?
They have produced a bill that sounds like they got the message from the voters when they went home, but did they? The answer is no, they did not. They are trying to make a splash for the upcoming election. But the people are starting to wise up to their shenanigans.
They have tried to shut down the argument to lift the ban on all drilling. They made the appearance to give in to popular demand and satisfy the uprising. When in fact they have raised a smoke screen to shelter their pandering to the environmentalist wackos. This arrogance must be dealt with come election time in November.
Lifting the ban on all drilling will send a message across the whole spectrum of the oil industry. From the oil companies to those Arab oil producers that manipulate our welfare and security. To the oil companies, go get the oil. To the Arabs stick your oil where the sun don't shine.
Come November, we will remember!
The Old Farmer
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Who Do You Trust, A known, Or An Unknown?
On one hand we have a very old man with a long history. He has been documented and is who he says he is. He has suffered greatly at the hands of his captors during the war. He has been left with a damaged body but his spirit seems in tack and his outlook is positive. He has made some mistakes that he does not seem to try to dodge. He has been up front with most of the things that concern me. But, it still troubles me when he seems to bypass our Constitution. Yet I truly believe he would lay down his life for his country. He is a true patriot and a man's man. His hand picked running mate is everything I could ask for in a politician. I believe that she will do great things for our country and be well remembered. That is John McCain and Sarah Palin.
On the other hand, we have a very young man with a short history. He has not been documented. I can find a lot of allusions as to where he has come from. But I still do not have a clue as to where that might be. He seems to have an aversion to the military and has on occasions side steeped any contact with them. On July the second, in a speech he gave he said if he is elected, he would start a Civilian Security Force with the same power as the military. This goes beyond scary to down right nightmarish. He seems more than ready to spend money as fast as he can get his hands on it. One of my concerns is that there are people who are calling him the Messiah and they believe he is. They have web sites to this affect with a very large following. Even in the U.S. congress one member from Tennessee said, he was a community organizer like Jesus Christ. People the Lord Jesus Christ was not a community organizer because He was a little bit busy saving the world and gaining a throne. But my concern is that, Barack Hussein Obama has never put a stop to this and set the record straight. I have never heard him say, you should not say things like that. There is only one Messiah and that is Jesus Christ Himself. As far as I can tell he has been silent on this matter. I wonder why? He has chosen for his running mate Senator Joe Biden who will be remembered for this now infamous line, "stand up Chuck so the people can see ya." This is not what you say to a man in a wheel chair.
In the early history of our country the preachers would preach election day sermons. They would preach God's criteria on what a public servant should be like and then the people would prayerfully cast their votes. I wish this would come back in style. May God bless America.
All is well down on the farm.
The Old Farmer
Monday, September 15, 2008
There is one thing that stands out from this mess. It is simply GREED. GREED can and does completely warp the mind so that it can not think clearly and with any humanity. Those who are responsible for this are in a situation that when they come back to their right mind, if they ever do, will see the disaster they have brought on their fellow man. And when they become human again they will wonder how they could of done such a thing. GREED, is a very powerful force, one that can rule and dominate. Just look at the makers and shakers that brought this on. GREED creates arrogance and arrogance left unchecked becomes murderous.
I hope this time that the little guy is not left holding the bag. It seems that us common folk are the ones that pay tab for the reckless behavior of the self proclaiming elite. May God help us.
The Old Farmer
Friday, September 12, 2008
There Is More To Fall Than Just To Vote.
Fall also brings out the splendor of creation. The never ending array of colors just dripping from the trees and foliage. When God paints a picture it is worth the time spent drinking it all in. I never grow faint looking at the amazing panorama that is free for the looking.
I truly feel sorry for those who are locked in the big cities and can not see such wonders and splendor. To watch nature moving through her seasons with a regular host of activities and spectacular sights. I truly count myself blessed to live in America and have the good fortune to live on a farm.
Just take the time, as the seasons come and go, to look deeply into the wonders that are in your sight. No matter where you live there is always something to see and give praise for.
May God richly bless America and each American.
For all is well down on the farm.
The Old Farmer
Thursday, September 11, 2008
ARROGANCE, ARROGANT, Give Caution To Them.
The act or quality of taking much upon one's self; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; conceitedness; presumption.
1. Assuming; making or having the disposition to make exorbitant claims of rank or estimation; giving one's self an undue degree of importance; haughty; conceited; applied to persons.
2. Containing arrogance; marked with arrogance; proceeding from undue claims of self importance; applied to things; as arrogant pretensions or behavior.
I would say that arrogance never sleeps. While the arrogant do. Arrogance never goes on vacation, the arrogant do. Arrogance never rests, the arrogant do. Arrogance never weakens, the arrogant do.
The arrogant are people and they seem to reside in Washington DC. Arrogance is what controls the arrogant and will not set them free. To be over come with arrogance is to banish one's self to isolation and to dwell in a self made kingdom. To rule with power and self exaltation, always first never last. A group of arrogant people getting together is the most loneliest of places to be residing. Arrogance says, I know better what is good for you than you know for yourself. Arrogance mandate control of the people by the arrogant, who believe they are for the common good. To enslave a people with chains of bondage so that the arrogant can satisfy the craving of arrogance.
Arrogance's mortal enemies are love and compassion. They seek to destroy arrogance and set the arrogant free. And it is the humbleness of the people that can render arrogance into the realm of impotence. It is hard to show compassion to one who is trying to dominate you. But patience will prevail and give the lasting victory.
We the people need to let the arrogant know we will never give in to their style of existence and we will win the day. May the God of mercies bless America.
The Old Farmer
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
When A Pig Is A Pig And Lipstick Is Lipstick
There is a danger when you think that every word that comes out of your mouth is the greatest thing that has ever been spoken by any mortal on earth. This arrogance can and will produce the kind of effect that has hit the Obama campaign. When your are humble you have a tendency to think before you speak, that can be a great comfort and eliminator of pain and embarrassment.
Barack Hussein Obama can't understand why the press is so tough on him. The answer is, they are not, they are doing their job, finally, and reporting the news and not trying to make the news. When the press is doing their job, both sides should be complaining of unfairness. This tells us the press is getting it right with middle of the road reporting.
The truth has to be the front runner in all reporting. Then and only then do we, the people, have a fair chance to vote with intelligence and integrity. It is are duty to be informed as best as we can with what we have available to us. The press needs to continue to step up to the plate.
For all is well down on the farm.
The Old Farmer
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Farmer's Poem, "The Old Corner Post"
My memory of our old farm stays with me still,
Running through the fields and topping every hill.
Summer days filled with pure joy and youthful fun,
Learning life’s lessons as each new day had begun.
I remember my dad’s stories that he instinctively shared,
The deeply rooted foundations instilled because he cared.
The lessons handed down from our generation gone past,
The rock hard lessons with images you draw on to last.
The one lesson that serves me well its image I remember best,
It was about my great grandfather when he was put to the test.
It has to do with the old corner post, the one he set so deep,
Before the barn was built and only a shack they had to sleep.
He struggled with his faith he wavered back and forth, to and fro,
One time he’s off to heaven then it was the other place he’d surly go.
Great grandma had told him time after time you better get it straight,
For when your life is over it’s not a time to wonder or having this debate.
So he was passing by his next door neighbor one sunny fruitful day,
And he noticed a big old scraggly tree standing in his neighbor’s way.
He went up to his neighbor to ask him about the lonely scraggly old tree,
He said “ho my friend about that tree, it seems a poor place for it to me”.
His neighbor only smiled and turned warmly to the old tree and gazed,
This tree allows me to turn my head up to heaven and offer up my praise.
You see that steel spike that is sticking out of the side of that old tree,
I drove it in there on purpose when I was of the age of thirty-three.
I believed and started to understand the good book, I read it every day,
I just couldn’t settle my destination, I couldn’t keep it in my mind to stay.
Until I read the verse, in His hands I am secure, nothing could pull me free,
I finally understood so I drove the nail into that spot, representing my security.
As great grandfather headed home contemplating all he had heard,
He suddenly understood it by those verses that came from the word.
It became a settled thing he had found the truth a great peace and rest,
He also would find something he could turn to help pass life’s wavering test.
It came to him on the way home his anchor would be a corner post,
It would be a post standing very deep, his security it would host.
He stopped by a grove of locust examining every large tree,
He finally found the one he wanted it was straight and limb free.
He went on home and gathered his ax not a word did he say,
Great grandma saw him passing by, ax in hand hurrying on his way
He came to the grove and went to the work of falling that big old tree,
With time to think and ponder all things, he spiritually began to see.
After a while the cutting all done he comes slowly up the road
His back all haunched carrying and dragging a tremendous load.
Great grandma ran to him, what was the matter, she had to see,
Stopping he said prayerfully, “I am not the First to carry a tree.”
The sweat was dripping as he smiled and then passed on by,
A believer’s flood of assurance passed over her, she began to cry.
She quickly caught up to him and slowly walked by his loving side,
That would be the pattern for every day, she glowed with loving pride.
As they continued up the road he labored with every step,
Thinking to himself that there are promises that must be kept.
She headed to her duties of dusting and cleaning every pot,
He labored on to reach his destination and select the very spot.
He took his post and shaved it, then treated it with oil,
He dug his hole very deep with grateful labor and toil.
He set the post to the bottom and lined it fast with stone,
He covered it with dirt he pressed, the post stood up alone.
When his work was finished he backed up and bowed his head,
If I ever doubt my destination I’ll waver not, but look at the post instead.
For in His hands I am eternally secure nothing can snatch me out,
That’s what this post reminds me of so I don’t waste time in doubt.
With that he took out his knife and began to carve on a spot so dear,
He set the tone for his posterity by cutting in his name, day and year.
As the story goes he used this post to instruct his very first son,
No matter where you go in life there must be a point from where it begun.
And as my father instructed me with words that were so full and good,
For all the generations past they were instructed by this post of wood.
There has to be a foundation in life, a point from which to go out and in.
This old corner post has always spiritually been the place where we begin.
I can remember my father taking me by the hand and opening up my sight,
And by that old corner post is where he showed me the Truth and the Light.
He told me the story of great grandfather and how this corner post come to be,
He showed me all the names and dates and even the spot waiting there for me.
He led me to the Truth that day and helped me carve the date and name,
And I look forward soon one day with my son that I will do the same.
I have finally come home to our farm and here is where I plan to stay,
To watch my family grow tall and strong bonded together in work and play.
My father is gone now and rejoices with those that are listed on the post,
All the generations gathering together with the heavenly host.
While here on this land we share our story and with the time make the most,
For one day we all will gather around the One and only True Corner Post.
By The Old Farmer
Sleep tight, for all is well down on the farm.
The Old Farmer
Monday, September 8, 2008
"The love of money is the root of all evil"
A big portion of a booming economy comes from people feeling good about it and them selves. And it just churns right along no problems. But if for some reason you would like to see the economy go into a slump, all you need is a willing mainstream media and some doom and gloom politicians to scream the sky is falling and presto, you have an almost recession.
There has been one party in particular that has been screaming of a recession even though we are not in one. And that screaming has put fear into the hearts of the people. So the economy starts to slide.
Some people will do anything for power and money. They do not seem to have a working conscious or any compassion to go along with it. Greed is a terrible thing and very dangerous.
The bible tells us that, "The love of money is the root of all evil". As usual the bible is right. People who are in love with money can never get enough of it. Just ask someone who is in love with it how much they want till they are satisfied. If you see them in deep thought, don't wait around for an answer, it will not be pleasant.
Friend, love your neighbor as yourself and life will start getting better, guaranteed.
For all is well down on the farm.
The Old Farmer
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Tale of Two Kings
But what do we have now to try to decipher? Maybe we should call it The Tale of Two Kings. Both in search of control of the kingdom.
Our first king is an old man that has been around the kingdom as a knight for a long time. He has seen battle and blood and has won his spot in the kingdom's Hall of the Brave Warriors. He has put down his sword and lance and picked up the pen and scrolls of the kingdom's laws. For years our aged warrior has fought a tough fight in what his heart has told him to do. Not all of us have agreed with the old warrior and have made it known. He has changed slightly over the years and has become more in line with some of the people's beliefs. He seems to be willing to change more and become more in tune with the realm and its people. Our aged warrior senses danger from other kingdoms and is sounding the warning to all that will listen. His warriors experience allows him to know what possibly could lay ahead and prepare the kingdom for it. His senses are still keen and very much aware of danger. Our old warrior has selected his second in command, a fair lass with the heart of a lion. She illuminates the old warrior code of a steel will and a toughness that will not be denied. She is willing to stand in the gap to turn back the tide of evil. Together they would exalt the kingdom and secure the safety of its people. their hearts desire is to serve the people.
Our second king comes from a bit of a mysterious back ground. He does not seem to have a cut and dried beginning. Many in the kingdom have tried to find out about our would be king and have failed. He does not make it clear about his beginning and his service to the kingdom. He has not been bloodied in battle for the kingdom and has no knowledge of what it takes to keep a kingdom free. He is young and full of new ideas that are not so much new for they have been tried before and failed. But he feels that his ideas will work with some adapting to our needs. A lot of people in the kingdom seem to be in a trance when he talks and forget that substance is a must. There are some who are trying to make this king a god of the realm with godly powers. This too has been tried before and has lead to all out war. He has selected for his second in command a white haired plagiarist to sound the alarm that the sky is falling. The plagiarist will quite readily tell you that he knows more than you and in his infinite wisdom will enlighten you with his great intelligence. He feels his grasp of the English language is second to none and he, the exalted one, will break down the words into small syllables so we can understand what the plagiarist is trying to tell us. This plagiarist and his king feel it is their right to control the kingdom even with out the experience that is needed. They do not have the awareness of the danger that lurks without.
Well these two kings will go head to head and the people will decide the out come. And may the God of light illuminate our minds that we will chose wisely.
God bless America!
For all is well down on the farm.
The Old Farmer
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Will Sarah Palin Be God's Tool?
Now to be upfront, I have some trouble with women in politics. But I truly believe that when good men are not ready to serve, God will raise up women to fill the need at the time. I believe He has raised up a tremendous tool in which He can work. I believe that we will see great things happen with Sarah Palin.
The liberals are in full attack mode against this nominee for the Republican vice president. That should tell us something of the stature of Sarah Palin. When the left howls we are on the right track, full steam ahead.
There is a truth that must be stated at this time. It is this, if our country is to survive it must reclaim it's righteousness. We must do the right thing without weighing the political chips first. When we start doing the right thing each time then it will become a habit and no thinking is required.
I believe that some people have the natural ability to do the right thing first with out thinking and one of these people is Sarah Palin. I truly hope it rubs off on Senator McCain and he also does the right thing with out having to think to long about it.
This McCain/Palin ticket can be a real blessing to this country, if McCain is willing to learn from his running mate. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Only time will tell what the outcome will be.
For all is well down on the farm.
The Old Farmer
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Moronic Arrogant Twiddle
She must be pretty good and just what the doctor ordered. Because the mainstream media (MSM) is trying their best to trash her and her family. All I have been hearing is about her daughter and the out of wedlock baby. Even though they are going to do the right thing and keep the baby and her and the babies father are going to wed. They, MSM even have insinuated that the Governor's downs syndrome baby was her daughter's and she is claiming it.
New phrase, Moronic Arrogant Twiddle, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the liberal Democrat's main stream media in full attack mode.
They, the MSM has seemed to have forgotten Senator Biden's son's escapades and activities,but he is a liberal democrat. I always forget the minor details. Oh well, America is getting very tired of this business as usual in the MSM. And they eventually will have their say. It will come in the form of viewerless broadcasts from our would be I know better than you who should be President media.
Here is a very simple remedy for the upcoming collapse of the MSM. Just simply report the truth. That is the truth that is opposite of a lie. Not the truth as you, the MSM see it. If you want to survive you had better have a revival of the press in a historical proportion.
Moronic Arrogant Twiddle that oozes, loses.
All is well down on the farm.
The Old Farmer